Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

Pushkar - A night in the dessert

The other day Axel (the friend from germany) suggested to do a camelsafari and stay for the night in the dessert. I was already looking forward to take some nice pictures, but then i realized that I left my saving card, what was very funny at least to Axel. (Carrying all these shit for no reason ;-) So all the camelpictures are taken with his camera. 
Axel and Don Johnson 
Pushkar is a city in Rajastan and the most of Rajastan is kind of dessert, but still lots of vegetation around. So we went out with two huge camels, one camelcar and a camelman.
It´s a nice feeling to sit that high on a camelsback you have a very good overview of the landscape, very different to riding a bike ^^ but after a while we´ve been very happy about the opportunity the camelcar offered. Shanti. 

Turbanstyle, again to much sun (pic by axel)
Taking a rest from the camelback  (pic by axel)

We thought a lot about camels that day and what wired funny animals they are. Even if there is just sand and it have to pull a camelcar it´s able to climb a dune easily. 

The night in the dessert was really a great experience for me. We climbed a mountain to watch the sunset after we set up our camp. Our camelman was preparing some food, we really tried to help him, but he was not very comfortable, it seemed like we´ve been more in his way. A great view over the dessert <3 Very different energy, very very still and quiet.
This tree reminds me to these holy trees in game of thrones ^^ very powerful  (pic by axel)

Sunset over the dessert - down the dry river was our camp (right infront of my nose)  (pic by axel)

When we came back to our camp, food was nearly ready.
feeding Ganesh

Chillaxen  (pic by axel)

 We got served the best food I had so far in India I guess. Dal Bathi a dish with dal (red lentils) and balls made very simple out of flower, water, bit of salt and some crushed cumin. He baked it on cow and cameldung what he collected earlier the day. Little strange in the beginning but the taste convinced me. ;-) We made a bonfire and after our guide fell asleep we really felt a little stupid because we´ve been nearly unable to keep the fire burning. There´ve been just very thorny bushes around and it was a spikystory, after a while we managed somehow to keep it going. So we enjoyed the starsky and a half moon rising.

Bildunterschrift hinzufügen  (pic by axel)

A week later the holyfestival came over India. People told me it´s a good place to celebrate holy. And it is really. Even it was in between a bit too much crazy and crowded I had a lot of fun. They´ve been playing loud and fast psytrance on a huge soundsystem in the middle of this old holy city. I spend most of the holydays dancing. 
Holy Lenja

Small Party suddenly in our guesthouse - and more colours for sure

My colourspace was pretty much the same ^^ 

Also the next day, when everybody started to throw colorpowder around. Rainbowfog. I tryed to find out by asking people whats the idea behind holy and this farrydust battle but nobody could really tell me. Something about some goods thats for sure ;-)

I still have some colours on me whats refusing to go off, specialy the dreadlooks gonna take some time to get back to reality.

We had a lot of artists around and the grass in the middle of our guesthouse was our playground :)


Juggling on the gaths

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